Focused Everyday on The Joys of Heaven Someday!


The joys of Heaven will surely compensate for the sorrows of earth. 

⏤ Charles Spurgeon

What sorrows of this Earth! What pain and suffering! We could have Heaven here on Earth, we could, but humans destroy that! Our governments and big businesses are all corrupt and greedy, fraud, and mediocrity is all they offer. God offers us so much more! Do not become a slave to the devil like our governments and businesses have. Do not become evil and selfish, hurting others and committing crimes and heinous acts. Follow the commandments of God, the teachings and Jesus, be people of goodwill, upright, holy, and filled with the Holy Spirit! We can experience the joys of Heaven after we suffer the sorrows of this Earth, don't lose heart, keep the faith, trust only in our Lord! 
