God's Words of Wisdom are All The Miracle Giving Grace We Need in This Life!
It is better to preach five words of God’s Word than five million words of man’s wisdom!
⏤ Charles Spurgeon
I have always loved this quote. Today we see so many, elected, our governments, powers that be, scientists, professors, people who think they know, that they and what they say and spew are all we need in life, like as if their millions of words matter as much or more than God's. They don't! God is all who really matters. Vanity of vanities! We have strayed a great deal from God in this world on this Earth School. We need to kneel only to God, not to anything of this world! Even the former pope, Benedict, said this. Charles Spurgeon is so correct in his quote too. According to, Bible Mesh at: https://biblemesh.com/blog/the-life-fire-of-gods-word-charles-h-spurgeon-1834-1892/#:~:text=It%20is%20better%20to%20preach,from%20whose%20lips%20it%20came.
They said, "In 1854, at the age of twenty and just four years after his conversion, Charles H. Spurgeon became pastor of London’s New Park Street Church. His ministry so grew that the 6,000-seat Metropolitan Tabernacle was built to accommodate the congregation. In “The Mustard Seed: A Sermon for the Sabbath-School Teacher,” he spoke of the power of the gospel, and his words extended to the whole of Scripture. The human can never rival the divine, for it lacks the life-fire. It is better to preach five words of God’s Word than five million words of man’s wisdom. Men’s words may seem to be the wiser and more attractive, but there is no heavenly life in them. Within God’s Word, however simple it may be, there dwells an omnipotence like that of God, from whose lips it came." Today humans need to stop letting governments and things of this world control us and consume us, only God should be consumed! Only His words, the Bible, and Jesus Christ really matter, not what humans say. They lie! Let His words be the miracle in your life!
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