Jesus, Life, and Truth, my Master, Guide Every Step of My Life, What a Blessing We Have Jesus!


Jesus, Life, and Truth, my Master, guide every step of my life,...

-St. Faustina, From her diary, 688

This says it all one's philosophy for life! How many have God in their lives? How many follow Jesus and His teachings? How are we living our lives? Today we see a broken world. A world of people trying to live without God. Doing it all on their own. Not following the commandments and the teachings of our God and Savior. Then we all wonder why the world is in the shape it is in. His wisdom and understanding are necessary for life. Today we see our elected and government, almost most, greedy, corrupt, and committing fraud, doing bad things, putting themselves, their money, greed, power, just being overall self-serving when we expect them to represent the collective whole. It is sad to see, nonetheless, I am putting Jesus first, my life will be filled with truth and my Master, every step of the way will be guided by Him and His principles. I know this brings me peace and a path to Heaven to spend eternity with Him forever! What a blessing! Jesus I Trust in You! 
