Satan's Bait, Leads to Satan's Hook, Which Then Leads to Hell! We Need to Not Become Slaves of the Devil! Find Your Refuge in Jesus Alone!
He who will play with Satan’s bait, will quickly be taken with Satan’s hook!
⏤ Thomas Brooks
What a quote! I saw this one today on my Mornings with God App. It resonated! So many people today play with fire! They sin and do so many bad things. They try to live without God and then do so much bad in their lives and in our world. We need God! We need the Bible, the 10 Commandments, to live by the teachings of Jesus Christ, to be people of goodwill. When we sin and play with Satan's bait, we will get hooked, we will go down that path of evil and destruction, which leads to hell. It should be our goal as humans here on this Earth School to want to get into Heaven. There is a way to do so, it is by following Jesus Christ! We need to be careful not to play with the devil. We are more blessed when we play only with the bait of Jesus Christ, to be hooked by God to go to Heaven!
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