We Have a Living God on this Earth Who is Our Friend! He is Always There for Us When Men Fail Us!


God's Not Dead Movie on GodTube

We watched this movie last night! Wow! So true and fits in with the Catholic mass this week and the readings and theme! Jesus came into this world to be a light and salvation for the world! We too need to be lights for others! Stand for our convictions and for Jesus Christ! We need to proclaim the praises of the Lord! We need to be a light for others and stand up for Christ! Like in the movie, God's Not Dead, stand up for what you believe in! Do not let this world and the people and culture, and powers that be silence you or make you conform or sign a paper saying God is dead or stepping on the name of Jesus Christ like some professors try to test our students to do. Be a person with convictions for Christ! Stand up to all the human bullies who put people to the test, who have no faith. We need to be their lights! Wake them up! Teach them about Jesus Christ and our salvation through Him! Teach all people here on Earth, that every nation on earth will adore our Lord! He is what matters! Not governments, powers, scientists, scholars, it is only Jesus Christ that really matters in this Earth School experience!  He is our light! We must also be light for others to help save humanity!  Rise up, shine your light for Jesus Christ! We have a living God! He wants to be friends with us! He wants to be a light for us and for our lights to shine too, for us to teach others of His salvation in Him! 
