Always Trying to Maintain a Cheerful Heart, to Enjoy God's Continual Feast in My Life!
All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast.
-Proverbs 15:15
I really love this Bible verse! It is a good reminder for all of us to stay positive! Do not allow yourself to be oppressed or be pulled down, negative, enslaved, entrapped, or controlled by others or our government and humans here on this Earth School! We need to focus on God alone, stay positive, feast continually on His goodness and maintain a cheerful heart at all times, although sometimes difficult, stay upbeat! I see so many people today who become too consumed by this world, this Earth School, people hate, are negative, seem overly critical, and just darn right ugly, always angry, mean-spirited, and unpleasant to be around and even selfish. They are never happy or can focus on the good. Just real Denny Downers. Have you ever asked someone before how are you today? And they say, "fair?" Moping around down and out, how can people live like this? Thank God my parents were positive and upbeat for the most part and they brought us to church each week and we knew Jesus Christ and lived a positive and upbeat life. We need to be careful to become like these downers we see so often today in society! We need to be careful not to surround ourselves with people like this. Joel Osteen talks about this a lot on his shows too. We need to be positive and spend our time with like-minded people who are upright, filled with the Holy Spirit, positive, upright, and godly. Stick with people who go to church, who read the Bible, who have God in them and know Jesus, who pray and care about all as our brothers and sisters in Christ. Be cheerful! Be merry, stay positive, count your blessings, and know who your belong to, God! Feast at His continual banquet, that is what we all need to do! It will make life on this Earth School a whole lot better for all of us! Be positive, live cheerful lives, be merry! Feast on Christ!
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