Ego/Self is the Problem with the World We Live in, Where All the Evil Comes From, Causing our Fallen State!


Self is the root, the tree, and the branches of all the evils of our fallen state. 

⏤ William Law

It is so true this quote! I see and say it daily! There is so much selfishness in this world. People only think of themselves. They are greedy, corrupt, commit fraud, and are self-serving. We see it daily in government and in most of our elected today. It is a sad reality, most are so self-serving, causing all the ills of this world, producing all the problems and evil we see in this fallen state. What a mess our country and world is in today. It is sad to see. It is all because of ego and selfishness. No one wants to follow laws anymore, no one wants to think of others, no one shows any respect. It is all about cheating, cutting someone off, stealing, killing, coveting, and we now too live in a world without God, most people do not want to bother with God, going to church, religion, and having a faith and following God's commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ, this is where the problems begin. Ego and self are the biggest problems. It is sad. We need to pray for this world, for all people, and an end to selfishness and ego and self. If we are ever going to have Heaven here on Earth, we need to rid ourselves of self and ego and think of others and the world collectively. Pray pray pray! Humble yourself, rid yourselves of ego! 
