Living in the Light of Christ, Being a Believer, Upright, Righteous, and of Goodwill!


Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?

-2 Corinthians 6:14

What a great reminder for those in Christ! We need to be in Christ! To believe, to live the way He wants, to follow Him! Do what His will is, following the 10 Commandments, the teachings of Jesus Christ, and being people of goodwill. We need to remember that death is not the end of our physical bodies. We will be raised, as Jesus' body was, transformed into an eternal version of ourselves unburdened by sin and free forever from the threat of decay or death. Like stated in this Bible verse, as the people of Corinth, we must not receive God's grace in vain, needing to insist that the day of salvation has come. That "day," however, will not last forever. Eventually, Christ will return and the opportunity to receive God's free gift will pass, we cannot let that pass, we must be with people of goodwill, surround ourselves with like minded people of Christ, live in the light, and follow Him! We cannot be fooled by the slaves of satan who follow him, we must follow Christ alone. He will not deceive us like humans and those that have become slaves of satan, many of our elected, governments, and people who are not in Christ, don't let them fool or trick you, stay in Christ, follow Christ! Live in the light with Christ! Be righteous in the Lord with all you do! Be a model for others so that you can serve as a disciple, and ambassador of Christ, but you can only do so much to help with their conversion, with the unbelievers. This Bible verse was a nice reminder that we are blessed when we stay in Christ and live in His light! 


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