Pray Pray Pray, God is all We Need, Prayer to God will Get Us Through Anything and Give Us Peace!

 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. 

⏤ Luke 6:27-28

You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed. Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge to Satan. 

⏤ John Bunyan

What a quote and Bible verse! When you feel others hating you or using you, dismissing you, love them anyway. Forgive them like Jesus does. We all need to live more like Jesus. Recall, our ultimate goal in life is to go to Heaven to spend eternity with Jesus, so pray pray pray, follow God's commands, the teachings of Jesus, be a person of goodwill, pray some more, defeat Satan and all his slaves here, say a rosary, pray some more, say a St. Michael the Archangel, an Hail Mary, prayers work, talk to God! We can have peace with God alone through prayer like it says above. On my Mornings with God App it also said, " O God, You are our Rock, our Fortress, our Deliverer, the horn of our salvation and our Redeemer. You are a tried Savior, and we know we can trust in You. We have put our confidence in You in the past, and You have never once failed us. We render You hearty thanks this morning, for all the blessings of the night. We thank You most of all for the revelation of Yourself to us in Jesus Christ our Savior, in whom we see the express image of Your person. We thank You that in Him we have learned of Your fatherhood and of Your grace and mercy. May the Holy Spirit teach us more and more of the blessedness and preciousness of this divine revealing — opening our eyes to see it, and our hearts to receive it. We beseech You, O God, to draw us near to You this morning, and to hold us close to You all the day. We would run the race that is set before us without faltering. May we be enabled to lay aside every weight that would hinder us, and every sin that would easily beset us, and looking to Jesus as the goal — run with patience and alertness. We desire to live as Christians should live. Let us not be drawn away by the world's fascinations. Help us to do our daily business righteously. Teach us how to do the commonest duties for the sake of Jesus, for the eye of Jesus. Help us to be honest and truthful . . .

in our business,

in our social life,

in our conversation,

in all our life.

May the fruits of the Spirit abound in our lives. May we abound also in good works. Send us all the help we need for the day's demands. Bless our beloved ones, whatever their circumstances, and all for whom our prayers should be made to You. We ask all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."

What another nice prayer! Turn it all over to God. Let His will be done. He is taking care of us. He has this! We have a great and loving God, a forgiving God, a God full of mercy for us. We never need to worry when we have God on our side. Jesus I trust in You! He is all we need! Pray pray and pray some more!  Prayer will give you peace! 


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