What a Day at the Beach! God's Glimpse of Heaven Here on Earth Today! So so Blessed!


What a beach day! so nice! So flat! It was really like a green flag, although they had a yellow flag, it was flat and calm, so so nice! Lots of sand and low tide when I was there. It was so nice and calm, the water was so nice and so many were enjoying it like me. The lifeguards left like 30 minutes early today, before 4:30pm, I think they are supposed to stay until 5pm, but they leave early most days. So much for our tax dollars at work for the public.  Nonetheless, I really enjoyed the beach today. It was so lovely. So peaceful and calm. I said all my prayers and was so at peace. Prayed more for Bill who Dale told me today has bladder cancer. Prayed for all in Turkey and Syria. For all deceased, the aborted, for the bad government and elected who do so many bad things. Praying we get more Heaven here on Earth. This was certainly a glimpse of it today.  God is so great! Humans ruin it. I really believe we could have Heaven here on Earth, if all people were Christ-like and of goodwill. Anyway, I do love my beach, my prayers, and my time with God! 
