Bird and Beach Blessed Today!


A beautiful day! So so blessed! So many birds lately too! Saw such a sweet cardinal today a few times today at the beach, hanging with a crow. Then a big hawk came to the bird feeder today, huge. Yesterday I saw a huge black vulture yesterday with its wings all fanned out. The beach was so lovely today. I am at peace now. Humans have caused me a lot of stress the past few days, mostly because of their mediocrity. They are not honest, or take advantage of others, just not capable, or want to be facetious, I am trusting in God alone, not humans. I will enjoy God's beauty in the ocean and birds and all He created, and not let deceiving humans get me down. I will always try to remain joyful in the Lord, not letting humans get me down too much! This Earth School certainly has lots of lessons to teach us. We just need to keep our faith in the Lord, not lose Heart, and enjoy His beauty and truth, knowing He will never let us down. So so blessed! 
