Blessed with an Almost Summer Day of Swimming at the Beach! Just Beautiful! So so Blessed and Grateful!


God is so great! What a beautiful day! The beach was so lovely! Great water, not too wavy, so nice to stay in and enjoy for a long time! A real beauty! I am so blessed and so grateful to God for my beach time. I love to pray and be with God, praying for a better world, that we all go toward Jesus and be good people of goodwill, sinner less, and being good Christians. I pray daily for this and a better world. To rid our world of all the greed, corruption, fraud, and mediocrity, mostly from our government which has been so bad, so unjust, one-sided, censoring people and attacking anyone who does not agree with them or stand up for life and stopping abortions and the death penalty, for law and order, and a better world where all are free and can work hard and be part of a productive and good world. We live in an evil broken world today. Our government makes it even worse sadly. Pray for our world, our elected, for all people to grow closer to Jesus and be better people. To know God and sin less, being people of goodwill. God is great if we follow Him! Rejoice in the Lord and give Him praise. 


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