Confident in My God, His Rewards, and I Will Persevere to Be With Him for Eternity!
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive.
-Hebrews 10:35-36
Do not worry about all the stress and problems of this world, stay focused on Jesus, confident that God will reward you in Heaven, all we need to do is turn to Him, persevere and let His will be done in our lives. Wow! What a plan, let go and let God! That is it! So many people forget about this, or do not want to let His will be done. They fight it and Him. God gives us a flight plan, He gave us the Bible, the Ten Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, He just wants us to follow Him, be people of goodwill, and let His will be done! That is it! When we turn it all over to Him, we can be confident his rewards will be great! God is so good to us! Trust in Him, Follow Him, Spend eternity with Him in Heaven!
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love