Training for Godliness Which Promises Benefits in This Life and in The Life to Come with Jesus!


“Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.”

1 Timothy 4:8

What a Bible verse! What a nice piece of advice to live by in this world here on Earth! So so true! We need God in our lives! We need to read the Bible, follow God and the teachings of Jesus, abide by His Commandments and be people of goodwill! We need to train each day. We live in a world of sin and evil. Left and right we are pulled into situations where we need to be on our toes to not react or do things or sin that hurt others or ourselves. It is not always easy, but when you are more connected to God and His ways, you are better offer, more fit, and able to be closer to God and His benefits. We see a lot of sin today! We are pulled into it by the devil and him working in others to make us sin too, to stray from God and His ways. We need to be careful, it is a training exercise at all times. We go to the gym each day to train and keep our bodies healthy, we need to do this with our Spirits too, going to church and reading the Bible and praying. You can learn a lot from others at the gym, the ones who think about others, break down their weights and clean and are thoughtful of their time on machines, while others could care less and walk away leaving lots of weights, not thinking at all of others. You can really judge character at a gym, that is for sure. We need to train ourselves to be more godly at all times. The way to do this is by reading the Bible, praying, going to church, and being people of goodwill. 
