What a Week of God's Peace and Beach Blessings!


God is so good to me! He brings me so much peace and blessings! I love His beach, it is a glimpse of Heaven here on Earth that brings me so much peace! God is so good! It has been a lovely week, the beach has been so nice, a little rough a few days, but still so nice to enjoy! We are living in a broken world, with so many problems, so much injustice, so much hate, so many deranged and mentally ill. So many want to control all, we see so much greed, corruption, fraud, mediocrity, selfishness, and self-serving world, people have become slaves to the devil, sold their souls, we have to be above them all. God has promised us so much, if we can stay true to Him and His mission. We need to follow His commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of good will. Every single day as you drive, you will get someone who cuts you off, runs in front of you, tailgates you, do so many bad things to you, forgive them, bless them, move on. Find refuge in God, go to the beach as much as you can, stay in constant prayer with Him, don't lose sight of the ultimate goal in our lives, to get into Heaven to spend eternity with Jesus Christ. Enjoy these glimpses of Heaven here, but this is not our home, our world, don't be consumed by this broken world of lies, deceit, material goods, carnal desires, none of it is good, it is all an illusion. Only God is good, find God in all you can and be at peace here until it is your time to spend eternity with Him in Heaven! 


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