Beach Blessed Rainbows from God Today!


Beach blessed by a rainbow from God today! How nice to be reminded of His covenant. So nice to see, the beach was so nice today, calmer, clean, no people, and so much peace! Great day for prayer, peace, and nature. I love when God makes His rainbows in the sky too! It is a pleasure to see His work at hand. No rain, maybe a sprinkle, but better today than yesterday. A lady said she saw lightening, but I didn't only a rainbow and some sandpipers. All blessings! Yesterday the weather got so nasty so I could not stay at the beach very long, today was much better thank you Lord! I am grateful for my beach time, home, job, spouse, family, siblings, faith, and all God has brought into my life. I had wonderful parents and a great upbringing. A wonderful career and so much peace. I am glad my parents brought me up Catholic and with such a strong faith. I am glad they were great role models and so upright and holy. God has been so good in my life! So so blessed! 


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