Following Christ Alone, Not People or the Devil or Anything or Philosophy of this World!


See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.

-Colossians 2:8

So many slaves of satan! Our government and many of the tech and big companies today are so corrupt and dishonest. They do so many bad things! Just slaves to the devil, complete slaves. Today a newscaster was saying how the big tech company erased his website and existence from the search engine when you search him, he is conservative and a Christian, they hate anyone who does not agree with their diabolical ways. So sad. The USA and big companies are censoring people and ideas. You are not allowed to express your thought if it is not in line with the lamestream legacy media who are all one sided with the current political regime and deep state corrupt government who does not hold justice equally to all sides. It is sad. Follow Christ! Be on the side of Jesus only! So many people have become so whacked out since the vaccines, the mRNA vaccine has caused a lot of injuries and killed many people and caused many mental and deranged people to act so strangely today. It is so noticeable. So sad! This Bible verse is so critical for today and all that is happening in our world! It is so odd today, nothing makes sense, nothing is logical, nothing is rational or sound. Therefore, we need to find refuge in God alone! Trust in Jesus, follow Jesus, not this world and the deceptive people and philosophies.   You will be more at peace and more blessed when you side with Christ! We only need Jesus!
