Infinite Reaches of Our Labor in Such a Short Time on This Earth!


Our work is great, our time is short, and the consequences of our labors are infinite. 
⏤ John Newton

How true for all of us! I have always thought this way too as a teacher, we never know how far our influence goes! Infinite, going on forever! Wow, we can all reach this, but by being people of goodwill, upright, holy, godly, good people following Jesus and His teachings, the 10 Commandments of God, and to be good people! Making a difference for others, serving, loving, and doing as Jesus asks of us, to love your neighbor as yourself and your God. We need to be people of goodwill! Write back to others, love and forgive others, look and and say hi to others. Care for one another. Stay away from hateful, negative people who are deranged and full of hate and rage, be hopeful, positive, persevere, and never give up! Our time here on this Earth is very short, we can make a difference and the consequences of our labors can be infinite! 
