Joyful in the Lord to Have His Peace Always, Knowing Heaven Awaits Us!


“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”

-Isaiah 55:12

We need to live joyful lives for Christ! He wants us to remain joyful always, rejoice in Him always! Today we see so many people so selfish, so mean, hateful, negative, even somewhat deranged in a way. There is not logic or rationality to some today, they spew so much hate and negativity, I am not sure where it all comes from, maybe from the devil himself, satan rules trying to steal souls and turn people evil. We all need to resist his slavery. So many today, become trapped and enslaved by the devil, doing his work. God wants us to remain joyful! Rejoice in Him and this world! We are not of this world. We await our eternal life with Jesus in Heaven, knowing this, we need to stay joyful! 


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