Ocean Blessed Today from God! Jesus Brings So Much Delight and Joy to My Life!


Jesus is the fountain, ocean, and center of all delights and joys! 

⏤ John Flavel

I am ocean blessed today and most days here in Florida where I can enjoy my beach and ocean water, waves, and healing salt waters. It is so true, Jesus is the fountain, ocean, and center of all delights and joys! I am blessed! Today was really very nice. Strong waves, but still nice. less seaweed today than yesterday. The sun and ocean water, the prayer time, the sun, my connection with God and praying for the world it all means so much to me! It is my delight and joy! I am trying to stay joyful always. Be positive. Rejoice in our Lord and count my blessings always. It is important to stay positive and be joyful each day. We need to stay connected with God and distance ourselves from any negativity, hate, irrational behavior or derangement by people. We need to have good vibes and keep it positive. That is my goal each day. Stay away from haters and negativity. I love finding my ocean time with God, it brings me so much joy and delight! Thank you God! 
