Good/God will Triumph Over Evil: His Plans will Prevail!


You have to have hope! Good will triumph over evil! We need to defeat the evil and Satan with good, we cannot give in and become his slave. Like so many today, they have all become slaves for the devil, doing so much bad in this world. Our governments, elected, powers that be, most administration and authority today is evil and compromised. We see it so much today with our so-called leaders and elected, selling their souls and countries out for millions in bribes, etc. So much corruption and fraud today in government and the elected. God promised us that He and His plan will prevail. While we see so much greed, corruption, fraud, dishonesty especially from our elected, their state media, and their judges and authority giving in to their corruption, not exposing or reporting on it, they are complicit in the evil deeds and have also become slaves to Satan. We as people of goodwill need to stay positive, be loving, hopeful, and Christ-like, not negative, hateful and deranged like the so many have become today, just pure evil. We need to be the good in the world. Speak up to the hate! The mediocrity! The discrimination, and unfair treatment. We need to overhaul our government and elected, stop the greed, corruption, and self-serving ways, stop all the mediocrity! It is enough, but pray for them, pray for our country, world, and elected, God ultimately will judge and handle all, so don't let it eat at you, remain, positive, joyful in the lord, loving and at peace knowing that God has all of this in the palm of His hands, He will not be defeated by all of this, He sees it all, He knows what the bad and evil are doing! God will repay each of us according to our works! So put your trust and hope in Him alone, find refuge in Jesus, Do not live in fear or dismay for this world and our corrupt governments. God's plans will prevail! 
