Priority # 1: Inheriting the Kingdom of God and Getting into Heaven!


Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor prostitutes nor other sexual offenders, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

-1 Corinthians 6:9-10

We must live with truthfulness and integrity in our words and actions, we need to follow God, do His will! We need to live by His 10 Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill, be upright and righteous so we can inherit the Kingdom of God and spend eternity with Him! Today we see so many, especially elected, governments, powers that be, so much corruption, so much coverup and abuse, bribery, selling souls for more money, even selling out their own country. Swindlers!  The sad situation with abuse of children and sex-trafficking women and children. So so sad. We live selfish lives, we let our actions hurt us. We need to live for Christ. Live upright lives like Jesus, He is our example God gave us to live by. God sends messages, He performs miracles today, Jesus is there for us always, the blessed Mother is here as well to pray to, all of them can give us peace and help us to change our ways,  like saying a rosary, to be righteous and holy, more godly. We need to turn from our sins and self-centeredness. Let Jesus reign in our hearts to live in us! Let His will be done in our lives, surrender all to Him! That is all that is important so that we can get into Heaven to spend eternity with Him there. We need to change! 


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