Blessed by God! What a Beautiful Day! God is So Good to Me!


What a nice time at the beach today! So enjoyed my talk with God and time close to the ocean and splashing in the water! The past three months it has been so nice, green flag days most days, just a lovely summer. This week the water conditions have gotten noticeably stronger waves, I swam most this week, today was a little harder, but still so nice! I love the ocean water and beach. God's little glimpse of Heaven for us! I think of Heaven each day! I want to remain filled with the Holy Spirit, I want to be impregnated with the Holy Spirit to be fully transformed to Christ and spending eternity in Heaven with Him. This world is sometimes an illusion and bad dream as Paul said, there are many problems here, especially due to the people who are deceptive, lie, and who have become slaves to Satan and cause so many problems with their egos, greedy, corruption, fraud, deceit, and lies. God knows our hearts, He knows the weeds from the wheat, we need to be people of goodwill, find refuge in God, and know His peace and love, He is so forgiving and merciful and His plan is much greater than anything we can conceive, we need to trust and follow His wisdom. My car troubles, work, whatever, is nothing compared with the love of Christ. 


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