Blessed to Enjoy the Beach the Past Few Days, Rougher Waters, But Still So Heavenly! God is Great!


The fall conditions are kicking in already! It has been rougher the past week or two now. It has been a nice summer, thankful for that as we have had almost three months of green flag calm days at the beach. Not many people. the past few days. I saw lots of sandpipers and seagulls today, so they must be coming back! It has been so peaceful, I love sitting on the sand and praying, splashing in the water, and praying and being with God. What a blessing from God this week. Love my job, my God, and all of my life. We will all just be fine to get through this upcoming hurricane Idahlia. Praying it does not do any harm and damage to anyone. God is on our side, not on the side of our evil and corrupt government and elected. We all need to learn to put our trust in Him. This beach and my prayer time helps me a great deal to do just that. Thanking God for all! 


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