Christ is Our Example, Not Man, Follow Him and We can have God's Peace!


Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

-Philippians 4:9

Put Christ into practice! Follow the teachings of Jesus! Adhere to the 10 Commandments that our God gave to us! It is all about following and honoring God alone! Not this country, not this government, not man who lie, cheat, and steal. People who make money, power, and all their gods honoring millions of dollars over their country and soul, don't become slaves like them to Satan.  So sad! I see it so much today, the hypocrisy of the clergy too, our religious leaders, not very leaderly at all. Our old priest is not Christ-like at all, he ignores us, judges us, avoids us, and dismisses us, so much for a Catholic priest. Some religious clergy have rackets with books and ask for donations, but do not send the books, how can you respect them? My friend Dale sent me information on the bishops of two denominations in New York, one who is allegedly abused children, we have heard this story before. Another who would not marry some, but then wanted to get married himself, showing a lot of hypocrisy.  Some even say the Vatican has a lot of corruption. We need to pray for the clergy, they need our prayers. There is a lot of hypocrisy and mediocrity today. We need to do better practicing what we preach, especially the clergy and governments/elected, this is the big problem today, we see so much mediocrity and hypocrisy from them all. Do as I saw, but not as I do, that is what basically Jesus in the Chosen was saying to the high priests and pharisees, they all know the teachings and what the Torah or Bible say, but then they do not follow it themselves, not practicing what they preach, recall they were the ones so threatened by Jesus that they had him murdered, crucified. So sad. We see the same thing today, all the lies, all the hypocrisy, and the disappointment from our elected and clergy. We have Christ as our example, not man, follow Him and we can have God's peace! 


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