Steer Clear of Envy and Selfish Ways, Don't Become a Slave for Satan Like So Many Have Today!


For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. 

-James 3:16

What a Bible verse today on MyYahoo Prayer of the day! So true. We see this more and more especially from our elected, government, and powers that be or authority. They are so selfish, so greedy, just in it for the money and power. Our elected today are the worst. I wish they would change all elected to a jury duty system where we all have to serve, no more elections, no more fraud, no more trying to stay in power for 50+ years, hurting our country and world. We see so much evil work today. All we can do is pray for all these slaves of Satan and hope they turn from their wicked ways. There is just so much evil work today. We must rise about all of this envy and selfishness, be upright, righteous, and holy, living with the Holy Spirit and Jesus as our example! 


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