Watch Out! Be Careful! Stay Away from Division, Hate, Negativity, Liars, Corrupt People Who do Not Serve God Only Their Own Appetites!


I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who create dissensions and obstacles, in opposition to the teaching that you learned; avoid them. For such people do not serve our Lord Christ but their own appetites, and by fair and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the innocent.

-Romans 16:17-18

Today my Yahoo Bible verse had a good one! One that reminds me of today in our country and world. There is so much corruption from our elected and government. They divide and cause so many problems. So much hate. They have destroyed our country and world with all their interference and power struggles. So sad to see and live in a world with so many slaves of Satan running our country and world now. It was sad to hear also this morning that they assassinated the Presidential candidate in Ecuador yesterday. He was a law and order person, like other good leaders who want law and order and are not self-serving. Uribe was one in Colombia. The President in El Salvador now is also a good one, law and order, upright and godly, not self-serving, taking bribes and making millions from advisories selling out our country and his soul to the devil for millions, how sad to see. This Bible verse is a good reminder for all of us. It is hard to trust most humans today, the ones that lie and act like they are so good, when we find out they had been on the take for many years taking millions for themselves, selling our country out. How sad. Even our priests, leaders, and other authority, they are bad examples. We saw our priest today at the gym, but he just continues to ignore and avoid us. So much for a priest, a man of the clothe of God, so sad. We must serve the Lord, be innocent hearts, be loving, kind, positive, and remain joyful in the Lord, rejoicing in Him always as man of this Earth will always disappoint. Keep learning nonetheless! Trust in God! He will never forsake you! 
