We Need to Pray, Turn to God, Turn from Sin, Live by the Holy Spirit, and Rejoice in God Always!


If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 

⏤ 2 Chronicles 7:14 

The greatest tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer. 

⏤ F.B. Meyer

We need to pray more! Turn to God! So many today are without God. They sin and do not think, live by their own selfishness and indifference. We need to have God in us and live with His Holy Spirit in us. Always rejoicing in the Lord, singing His praises. Today we live in a world where the government and media are trying to take God out of everything, or they think they are God, they have created a lot of division in our world, made so much hate. They are not honest and are one sided and polarized, creating so much divisiveness in our world. It is sad what our governments, big tech/media, and the powers that be have done to our world. They live with out God and it shows. Godless and a government run by Satan and his slaves now. We need to be careful not to follow them, Godless rulers, who think it is fine to kill unborn babies who are innocent, voiceless, and helpless. To push so much drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and vices on its people, to allow so much junk food and hurtful things to hurt its people, this is not from God, it is from Satan, we need to stop following them, do not go down this road of hate, negativity, and derangement, it is not healthy to kill, both abortion and the death penalty are forms of murder and wrong. We need to choose life. Follow God, heed his 10 Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill. Not follow pop-culture which comes from the devil, and most of the materialistic and carnal desires today. They are not from God. We need to pray! Pray so much! 

The Mornings with God App today, said, "The day is Yours, O God; so also is the night. We have come out of the night, where we were with You, for darkness and light are both alike to You. Now we are entering again upon another day, and You are here too, in the light. We would spend the day with You, as we have spent the night. Light has its dangers, as has darkness. The pestilence walks at noonday. Evil wears the garb of an angel of light. Temptation comes in our busy hours. Sin is always about us and within us. We need You in the day, as well as in the night. Let not our feet stumble. Let no iniquity have dominion over us. Keep us back from presumptuous sins. May we indeed live as children of the light. May we wear light as a garment. Clothe us with righteousness — Your righteousness. May we all stand before You clad in the garments which Jesus Christ has provided for us, the garments of redemption and salvation. Then before the world may we appear also, robed in the righteousness which grace provides. May we put off the spotted and filthy rags of the old sinful nature. Then may we put on the new man who is created in righteousness and true holiness. May we put on whatever things are pure, whatever things are true, whatever things are lovely. May our light so shine, that men seeing our good works may glorify You, our Father in Heaven. We ask, therefore, for the fullness of Your holy Spirit. Only when You live in us, can we be clad in the garments of light. May we be all glorious within, through the renewing of our nature; then may our dress be robes of golden beauty. Breathe upon us, this morning, and give us Your Spirit as we go forth. We ask in Jesus' precious name. Amen."

We want to pray and be Heaven bound! To spend eternity with Jesus there. We cannot get so consumed by this world and its hate, materialism, and greed and carnal desires, turn from all and follow Jesus alone, God gave Him to us as an example on this Earth School to follow, to live by. Our governments today want us to live in fear, to be beholden to them, don't cave or go down their road, put all your trust in God alone. Look what He has already done for your people? Israel? Our lives now? He has always been there, He always will. He will get us through all of this evil in our world today. Our salvation is in Him, not in the lies of our governments and so called leaders and authority here on this Earth School! Follow His light alone! Persevere in Him with prayer! 
