A Miracle from God! What a Nice Pumpkin Squash from My Garden!


God gives us a miracle each time a new fruit or vegetable come from the garden to our table! Life of any form is a miracle even from people, animals, fruits, vegetable, plants, etc. This God at work, breathing life into all He has created for us! He is so good to me. I have never been able to grow pumpkins before. My father used to all the time when we were kids, we had a huge garden and so much for the entire winter. You can store these pumpkins for many months in a cool place. I saw them on sale at Walmart this week for around $7, some exactly like this one. This one is big and is about 10 lbs. We will enjoy it as a pumpkin and then as a vegetable, my spouse loves cooking with pumpkin. We have about three more smaller ones outside in the garden. As long as the turtle, squirrels, or raccoon doesn't eat at it, maybe we will have a few more. God is so good to us! Just in time for fall. I love pumpkin and squash so much. This one is a beauty and I know God is so good to us! 
