All We Can Do is Find Strength in God Right Now!


Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord. 

- Ephesians 6:10

I love this Bible verse, it is so true. All we can do is find strength in God alone. This world will get you down. The people, government, the injustice, the corruption, greed, envy, the disappointment by man. Even we see priests today behaving like they did in the Bible in the Good Samaritan story.  Our governments have failed us, greedy, not fiscally responsible, and so self-serving, it is all so sad. All we can do is pray and look to God, find refuge in Him, stay focused on Him for strength and sustenance.  The Mornings with God App had a nice write-up today about this. It said,  "Strength is commended in all the Bible as a duty. We are never exhorted to be weak. God is very patient with weakness, but He would have it brought to Him, and then it becomes strength. Paul exhorts us here to be strong in the Lord. Life is not easy for us. All its best things have to be won in struggle. Only he that overcometh can receive the reward. It is a comfort to us to know that He in whose name we are to be strong is the Mighty One. He overcame the world, and thus is able to help us in all our battles. No one ever can be defeated who has Christ for his Friend and Helper. Those who would enter the battle must put on the whole armor of God. They must not only fight, but must also stand in defense when assailed – and oftentimes it is harder to stand than to fight. If we would be strong we must be true and must keep right with God. Apart from Christ we can do nothing; in Christ we can do all things."

It is so true! Take up our cross and follow Jesus. Do not become consumed by this Earth world. Focus on spending eternity with Jesus, find strength in God while here on Earth! 
