God is So Good to Me! Teaching Me so Much About Life, Good and Bad, Learning, Writing, Praying, and Living the Best I Can!


Life is great! The beach is so nice! God is so good to me. I keep learning so much about life, people, and this world. Good and bad! I am glad I have this beach, this little glimpse of Heaven in my life to commune with God each day, praying to Jesus. He is so good to me, so thankful! I am fortunate that God helped me to write and learn to love it. Writing is cathartic and also helps you to develop and refine your thoughts and opinions about things. God helps a lot too. We all know right from wrong, sometimes we need to point out the mediocrity and the bad that exists, call people on the carpet, especially those in authority and the elected and powers that me. No one should be abusing other people, taking advantage of them, or think they are above someone else to just ignore them or treat them rudely or poorly. I thank God for this beach and my life, for using me to write and learn and point out the injustice and unfair things in this world. We all need to strive toward excellence! To be better people, to be good people. To love others. Today we feel and see and experience a lot of hate, even from clergy and people you would expect not to be this way. We need to love all, one can feel love, you can feel it in a smile, a look, an aggression while driving, sometimes we need to be firm, but we need to do it all with love. Jesus is love and we need to live with Him inside, to have the Holy Spirit at all times. We need God, we cannot live without Him. Today, too many people in our world are living without God, that is the big problem. For me coming to the beach each day helps me to restore the Holy Spirit when this world depletes me or brings me down. He is here with me! I thank God for all He has done for me in my life. He sustains me! 
