God's Mercy and Justice are Coming Soon! Jesus was Sent to Comfort Us in all These Unjust, Greedy, Selfish, and Mediocre Times!


My righteousness draws near speedily,
my salvation is on the way,
and my arm will bring justice to the nations.
The islands will look to me
and wait in hope for my arm.
6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens,
look at the earth beneath;
the heavens will vanish like smoke,
the earth will wear out like a garment
and its inhabitants die like flies.
But my salvation will last forever,
my righteousness will never fail.
7 “Hear me, you who know what is right,
you people who have taken my instruction to heart:
Do not fear the reproach of mere mortals
or be terrified by their insults.
8 For the moth will eat them up like a garment;
the worm will devour them like wool.
But my righteousness will last forever,
my salvation through all generations.”

-Isaiah 51:5–8

We see so much injustice today! So much greed, selfishness, corruption, fraud, price gouging, deception, just so much evil and wickedness and really mediocre times. So many people, businesses, and our governments have come under control of the devil and so many have become his slaves to do so much bad today. It is sad. But we are reminded here in Isaiah that we serve a just and merciful God who will make it all right for those who know what is right. We all know what is right, but some think just because others do it, they can too, joining the club of evil, wickedness, greed, ambition, and deception. It is so common place today. We see it firsthand so out in the open in our government, by the elected, not enforcing laws or being selective, by allowing price gouging, greed, fraud, corruption, mediocrity, it is all so rampant today in our society and world. The elected can do insider trading, yet they put the common man like Martha Stewart in jail for it. The lies, deception, greed, and price gouging by so many businesses today, like car dealers is so sad to see. The people who do it want to normalize it by saying we all do it, it is acceptable. Where is the honesty and ethics today by most businesses.? We need to remember that we have salvation through Jesus Christ, it will last forever, His righteousness will never fail! God has got this, He will comfort us and make it all right! We must remain  joyful in our Lord in these trying times.
