Love Your Neighbor at Any Cost, Help Them Arrive to Jesus! We all Need to Be Good Samaritans!

They went upon the housetop, and let him down through the tiling. 

- Luke 5:19

The Mornings with God App had a nice write-up and Bible verse today, a good prayer too to remind us to help others like our neighbors, to love all and help them. Even today it seems priests have a hard time doing this. In Matthew they talk a lot about the hypocrisy of priests. They need to love too, but many have a hard time doing it sadly. The App said, "We should be earnest in helping others.  We have a splendid example in the story of the four men who brought their neighbor to Jesus. This neighbor was a paralytic. He never could have got into the presence of the Healer without their aid. These men carried him where Jesus was that day. They found such a crowd about the door that they could not enter. But that did not discourage them. They were determined to have their friend healed, and when they could not get in they carried him to the roof and, opening a way, let him down into the very presence of Jesus. If we were as eager to do others good, we would not be easily disheartened in our efforts. The truth is, we try languidly to help our neighbors, and nothing comes of our efforts. If we really love people, we will stop at no cost in trying to do them good. The Good Samaritan is another example of this. He is Christ’s own illustration of what it means to love our neighbor as ourselves."

What a blessing and so true! Loving all! It is what we all need to do!  We are called! 


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