Trying to Be Upright and a Disciple for Christ the Best I Can, In a World of Sin and Pleasure Who Write People Off Drinking a Sea of Wrath!


Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. 

⏤ Proverbs 14:34

What fools are they who, for a drop of pleasure, drink a sea of wrath! 

⏤ Thomas Watson

What a Bible verse and quote today from the Mornings with God App! It is so true and apropos for what is going on in our country, society, and world today! We see our governments and so called leaders who think they are God, so righteous and without God themselves. So many today find so much pleasure in all things of this world, then become greedy, corrupt, and consumed by carnal and material desires, letting money and power control them to the point where they think they are God and they do not need others, especially peons who mean little to them. We see so much cancel culture today. So many just dismiss others. People who are friends or you know from the past, they can be so dismissive and write you off for no reason, for political differences, cultural and religious beliefs even. Today we see so many without any God in them. It is hard, we never really understand peoples pasts to know why people behave the way they do. Did they lose their mother at a very young age? Were they abused as a child? Divorced parents?  Did they have parents who were addicts? Was their father murdered when they were seven years old? What causes all of us to behave the way we do? To dismiss others. To cancel or write someone off that you knew as a childhood friend or you worked with for several years? I know for me, I do not like to be around negative, hateful, and illogical people, so often try to stay away from the hate and negativity. We all need to sin less. Love more, and do our best to obey God, follow His commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill. It is never easy, we just have to do the best we can in this life. We are on this Earth School for a reason, until we die, we need to live as disciples and serve the Lord and His people the best we can, not being consumed by sin and ourselves. 
