God's Grace is Sufficient for Us! Stay Away from Evil, Do Good, Obey God, and Follow the Teachings of Jesus!

The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men. 

- Titus 2:11

We just need to be good people! Follow Christ and stay away from all evil. The devil is lurking, he wants our souls and for us to cave to evil and do bad. We need to resist and stay focused on God and all that is good. The Bible is a model for how we need to live, obeying God, following the teachings of Jesus, and being people of goodwill.  The Mornings With God App had a nice reminder about this today. 

The  Mornings With God App said, "Christian duty touches all relations of life. It does not have to do only with communions and prayer–meetings. It includes all other actions. It tells us the kind of citizens we ought to be, how we should live with people, that we should not speak evil of any one, that we should not be contentious, but be gentle, showing meekness and patience even toward those who seem not easy to get long with. Once we were not Christians, and did not know the law of love, but lived in malice and envy, hateful and hating others. But now the kindness of God and His love have touched our lives, and we are to put away the things of our old life. A gardener found a lump of fragrant clay, and when he asked, “Whence thy fragrance?” the answer was, “One laid me on a rose.” When the love of God touches our lives we ought to absorb its spirit, its sweetness. Christian duty teaches us to live the life of Christ amid the world’s evil."

It is hard in a world of so much evil, but we need to do our best, stay on the track God has for us, do good and follow Jesus! His grace is sufficient for us! 


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