Health and Nourishment Wise and Following God Alone, Trusting Him, Shunning Evil so Not to Become a Slave for Satan!


Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. 
This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.

-Proverbs 3:7-8

I ask God in my prayers each day as I look at and say the St. Anthony Prayer to have God lead me, instruct me, bring me to where He needs me to be and to always accept His will be done in my life. I want to do my best to obey Him, live by His commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be a person of goodwill. My Lord is my food for my soul, my health and my nourishment and I want to follow and entrust in God alone. So many today have falling, we see this in this broken world of sin, hate, anger, and negativity. We must resist becoming a slave to Satan too and shun all evil and follow God alone. We are wise when we do, Jesus is our nourishment, He is all we need to get through this Earth School. We cannot trust our own understanding, but only the Lords. It is clear in the Bible that we need to put all our trust in God alone. Humans always disappoint, God never does. This Bible verse above is a great reminder for us to live by God's word, let Him use you and to follow His will be done in our lives. We are more blessed when we do! He will make our path straight! 


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