Living For God and Focusing on Him, Not on Humans Who Lie and Deceive!


What a day! So beautiful! I so enjoyed the beach today! What a blessing. Focusing on God and all His love for me. Humans lie, cheat, steal, do so much bad in our world. Today our government, elected, and powers that have stooped to such lows. We see it in the government, our elected, and powers that be. Now, on top of this, we have the media complicit and in bed with the government, being complicit with all their ill doings. Both paid off by big business and pharma to cover up so much and work toward human beings, our government and media should be protecting us from the big businesses and pharma that hurt us so much. WE are lied to and mislead so much today with the food we eat, the diseases that people get, the control, pop culture, so much, they want people addicted, to drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, etc. The government is not for us like they used to be. It is all about control. It almost seems like they are working toward a one world order, as now we see no law and order with anything in society and even with immigration. There is so much lawlessness, crime, greed, corruption, fraud, and deception, most from the government and powers that be. It is sad to see. We need to as humans to turn to God, find our strength in Him alone, trust in Him, His words in the Bible, the teachings of Jesus, be people of goodwill the best you can. Although so many are godless today, we need God. Our Citizenship is in Heaven with Him, not here on this Earth School of fake news, lies, and deceit from humans. Believe in a high power, God, He will get you to Heaven when you trust in Him!  God gives me peace when humans don't! 
