Thinking About Christmas Today After Reading Mornings with God! What a Blessing! Emmanuel-God With Us!
The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.
- John 1:14
The Mornings with God App had another nice message today I wanted to share, it made me think about Christmas today. They said, "The most wonderful event in the history of the world was the coming of God in human flesh to dwell among men. The “Word” was in the beginning, that is, from eternity. Then in time the Word became flesh and lived among us. That is what took place that quiet night at Bethlehem when Jesus was born. Wonderful was the life that dwelt for three and thirty years on earth. Jesus Himself interpreted it when He said, “He that hath seen the Father.” As we read the beautiful story of the life of Jesus and see His gentleness, His patience, His unselfishness, His abounding kindness, we are looking at God revealed in simple, human ways. In no other way could we ever have learned the character of the invisible God. In the incarnation He came down and lived among us, and now we know how easy it is to get to God, how loving and patient and merciful He is, and how ready He is to help us. The Christ of the Gospels is the God with whom we have to do."
We are blessed to have God with us now, Emmanuel! He came to us in human form as a poor baby in a manager, a humble beginning. He came into this world for our sins and to teach us and give us an example. Unfortunately, the powers that be, the Sanhedrin, pharisees, and high priests were threatened by Him. They tested him and even had Him killed. It was all foretold in Isaiah in the Old Testament, ironically, these high priest who are suppose to know the Bible or Torah did just the same. Priests today do the same things, most are hypocrites and only human and show this.
Jesus is our example today too. His love for us was the same then as it is now. His example too. All we can do is try to follow Him and do our best on this Earth School of life. It is not easy. All we have to do is ask, what would Jesus do? Follow Him and His example. That is all we can do. Thank God we have God with us, Emmanuel, I often think I do not know what I would do without my faith on this Earth School!
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