We Need God! We Need to Read the Bible and Obey and Follow His Instructions for Us and Our Lives!

 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

 ⏤ 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

Read the Scripture, not only as a history, but as a love-letter sent to you from God! 

⏤ Thomas Watson

I love reading Bible verses each day and reflecting on them. The Bible is such an inspiration and from God! It is so helpful for us in leading us, guiding us, instructing us how to live. The Bible is a love letter from God like the quote says. We need to think of it as love sent by God for us to live by. We need to love, obey, and respect it and God. We need to follow His Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill. One part of being a Christian too is the persecution that comes with it. I try to stay away from hate and people who are hateful and negative, but then this can cause others to tell on you, or make you look bad, then you are the bad guy, although you just want to keep things positive and upright, holy, godly, and not be around negativity and hate. There is so much hate today in our world, so much, it is hard to understand often times. Our world has become so hateful and judgmental. People make judgement, rule over others, dismiss others, cancel you, or ignore and avoid you, often for others and what they say. Not all is firsthand. Nonetheless, the persecution happens and can be real. We need to accept it, be Christ-like the best we can, loving, forgiving, and merciful. All we can do is try our best to be like Jesus anyway, even when others judge you, dismiss you, avoid you, hate you, even if it is a priest or colleague or old friend, love them anyway, be like Jesus, don't fall to what they did and be hateful or judgmental of you. Two wrongs do not make a right. When I think of St. Anthony and his prayer, how he is whispering into the ear of Jesus, I just ask that he tell Jesus my prayers, but more importantly, they Jesus lead me, guide me, instruct me, and bring me where I need to be and accept His will be done in my life. That is all we can do! I will continue to read the Bible daily, try my best to live like Jesus and His example, follow God's Commandments, and obey His words, His love for us! 
