Good Advice: The Only Safe Way to Live is to be Sincere, Genuine, True Down to the Bottom of One’s Heart!


There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed. 

- Luke 12:2

All that is going on today in our world and country, I just pray that all becomes revealed and we know the real truth about all. So much today seems almost surreal. The hate is so prevalent, and there is so much derangement and illogical and irrational behavior and judgements/decisions out there today. So many are attacked for who they are or what side they belong to or their beliefs. It is sad to see all the hate today. So much indifference too. We all need to be genuine and sincere. However, today we see mostly indifference, even from priests and so many. It is sad. God's knows our hearts. He knows us. He made us. We are in the image of Him. He is looking out for us. We just need to be sincere in Him. Genuine. Ask Him to lead us, guide us, instruct us and bring us where we need to be and always accept His will be done in our lives. That is all we can do! He knows our hearts. 

The Mornings With God App said, "Christ wants genuineness in His friends and followers. The sin which He condemned most unsparingly when He was on the earth was hypocrisy – men trying to pass for what they were not. There is still a great deal of hypocrisy in the world, and there is still the same need for insisting upon genuineness and sincerity. Jesus shows how useless and unavailing it is to try to cover up things and to seem to be what we are not. There is nothing covered up that shall not be revealed, nothing hid that shall not be made known. People commit sins in the darkness, sins that would blacken their names if they were known. They suppose nobody suspects what they are doing in secret. But some day everything will come out. Even now secret evil works out, and blots and stains the life. The only safe way to live is to be sincere, genuine, true down to the bottom of one’s heart, always as good and true in the secret things as in the most public things of life." 

Trust in Him! He knows our hearts! 
