Individual Soul Peace Brings World Peace, We all Need to Find the Peace within Our Souls for World Peace!


Unless souls are saved, nothing is saved: there can be no world peace without soul peace.

-Archbishop Fulton Sheen, 1895-1979

What a lovely quote from Bishop Sheen. I read a nice quote book from him daily, he was a very wise man. I know he was famous for his book and TV show. They were trying to make him a saint. He has a lot of wisdom to share. This one about having peace in our souls first before we can have world peace is needed. We all have to help save souls and bring all to have this peace. We can have it when we allow Jesus to live in our hearts and souls. When we live with the Holy Spirit living in us. It is so critical. So many wars and so much ego and hate today, it is sad to see, our own elected and governments push all this division and hate. When do you ever hear about peace talks? It is all about was. My dad used to say war is big business and we see it today with the wars and the cost and all the expense and some making so much money on it all. It is sad the hate, if you are pro life we are hated for wanting to save the lives of innocent, helpless, voiceless babies in the womb. Abortion is not a civilized act, it is brutal and murder of an innocent soul of God. Are people afraid that Jesus will come back as a baby again? We need to pray, we need to find peace in us, we need to be disciples for Christ, to obey God, live by the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill. We need to be saved and work toward the salvation God promises us, we need to have His peace in our hearts, all of us, so we can then have soul peace for all and an end to war and strife in this world! Stop the hate. We need more love and peace in our souls and world! 
