Remaining Hopeful in the Lord, Staying Loving and Positive, Just Keeping the Faith!

All we can do is try to remain hopeful; it seems like we live in a world of hate, war, cancel culture, and indifferences. I just chose life and following the teachings of Jesus, trying to be positive, loving, and joyful in our God. I just feel like we need to stay away from Anti-Christ hate and negativity, which we see a lot of today in society/news. I hope to retire soon, although I still love my job and all, I have been a teacher since 1987 so it has been a long and successful profession. I hope to focus on Spiritual/life issues important to me, like my discipleship blog and fighting for saving lives.  A colleague was saying at a  meeting recently, and it is so true, we never see people much anymore with Zoom meetings and classes all online, we are not talking in the hallways or at meetings in person and we have lost a lot of the social connections prior to COVID which is sad for socialization. Our world has changed so much since then, all we can do is pray and keep the faith. It seems like our world is so full or hate and war now. Please pray for an end to these wars and all the hate we see in our society and world. Our priest said this past week at mass if we had $86,400 to spend each day we would spend it if we were going to lose it, it is the same with our time, we have that many seconds in a day, we have to make the best of our time, not to waste it. We really need to love more and stop all the hating. I pray for world peace and that all people can be elevated in Spirit with the Lord in their heart. That is all we can do!  We have to keep the faith! 
