So Grateful for a God Like Ours on this Blessed Thanksgiving Day!


Who is a God like you,
    who pardons sin and forgives the transgression
    of the remnant of his inheritance?
You do not stay angry forever
    but delight to show mercy.

~Micah 7:18

Happy Thanksgiving! I am so grateful and thankful for our God who is so loving and full of mercy. We have a very loving God, He forgives us and promises us an inheritance in Heaven with Him! He never stays angry. What a nice Bible verse from Micah. I saw it on MyYahoo Bible verse of the day today. It is very fitting for this Thanksgiving Day! I an grateful for my God and faith. Lucky my parents raised me in a wonderful faith and brought me to church to know Jesus. What a blessing from God! To also have a blessed and wonderful family, spouse, siblings, home, career, job, faith, and life. God is so good! We made all homemade food today just like my mother used to make. I think about my parents all the time and give thanks for them and in how they raised us. Thank you God for all your goodness in my life to bring me all the good things and to let me know you and live Your faith and have Your hope. I am very grateful for all the blessings in my life and especially grateful for you my Heavenly Father! 
