The Anti-Christ is Hate!


The anti-Christ spoken of by John in the Revelation is nothing other than the spirit of hate, which breeds strife, selfishness, egoism, contention, and other fruits which can take possession of individuals, groups, and masses.

                                                    -Robert W. Krahenke, P. 77

I have been reading this book. The more I read it and think about things in it, I am inclined to believe that it is true. The real Anti-Christ is hate like it says. In the Bible in the last book, Revelation, it talks a lot about the Anti-Christ. Today we see this so prevalent in our society, hate. It is so felt each day every day in our society, news, work, driving, all over the place. There is so much hate, aggression, rage, anger, toxicity, negativity, and sin. It almost seems like there is a war of hate going on today in our world. My father always loved Edgar Casey, he was fascinated with him and his prophecy.  I recall getting several books for him. He liked too that Casey talked a lot about health and well being too, not just God. This book is very interesting. He knew a lot about the past and Biblical figures from the past and their actions and the whys behind them. This book explores this and as I said about the hate being so common place today, I wanted to bring this up. We really as a society need to do something about it. We see our country and world so polarized. There is so much hate, censuring, and cancel culture. If you are not in lockstep with some today, like the liberal left haters, you are cancelled and censored. Pretty much silenced. As if you are a bad person because you do not follow the hate of the liberal left. They hate God, Christians, conservative, anyone who wants to save babies and no approving of abortion, and so many other topics. They like chaos, not law and order so if you are a logical rules person, today someone like this is cancelled by the left. They say they are for free speech, but their speech what they agree with and want to hear, not anyone else's. It is sad to see. I just do not understand the hate. I am not a republican nor a democrat, I am an independent thinking and voter, I want to reason, use logic, common sense, and my Christian upbringing and believes to lead my life and even vote. I have no room in my life for hate or negativity. None! So if I sense or experience hate, I stare clear. I really think I agree with this idea of the Anti-Christ is hate. The devil is lurking, he is pulling us into his web of hate and deception. We cannot fall victim of the hate or lies. Life is worth living, Bishop Fulton Sheen had a show about that. We need to be about love, positivity, and remain joyful in the Lord. We cannot allow hate, the Anti-Christ to consume our souls and devour us, don't let hate take possession of your being! 
