The Lord's Favor is Upon Me!

…But you will be called the priests of the LORD; they will speak of you as ministers of our God; you will feed on the wealth of nations, and you will boast in their riches. Instead of shame, My people will have a double portion, and instead of humiliation, they will rejoice in their share; and so they will inherit a double portion in their land, and everlasting joy will be theirs. For I, the LORD, love justice; I hate robbery and iniquity; in My faithfulness I will give them their recompense and make an everlasting covenant with them.…

Isaiah 61:6-8

What a blessing that God's favor is upon us! He will enrich us with His favor and blessings and a double portion of His goodness in our lives! God is so good to those who are faithful to Him! I am not ashamed to admit that I follow Jesus Christ! He is my example. I am not there yet, but strive to be. I love the Bible, God's word, the teachings of Jesus, and wanting to obey all and be a person of goodwill. God has been so good to me in my life. I could never complain. I have had the best childhood, parents, faith, spouse, siblings, career, all good things have come to me by the grace of God. I am thankful and grateful for all His blessings and firmly believe His favor has been upon me and that double portion is very real! Thank you God! 
