We are Made in His Image!


So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

~Genesis 1:27

We are made in God's image like it says in the Bible in Genesis! What a blessing! I love our church, St. Sebastian, in Sebastian, Florida. It has a beautiful image of God in the top stained glass window above the alter, above Jesus on the cross. It is very beautiful. So therefore, we as humans are beautiful too, since we are made in God's image. Our church has many beautiful stained glass windows, showing the depiction of of the life of Jesus Christ. We have had a nice older priest, John Morrisey, who was so loving and kind, welcoming, and warm and caring, he retired recently. We had a bad experience at our previous church, the priest would never look at us or have anything to do with us, we would see him in the gym too, he completely ignored us, then we stopped going there and after about six months he wanted to know here we were. We have a new priest now at St. Sebastian, Rev. Antony. He is from Indian. He seems good. We are all human and priests are not Jesus, although they are supposed to be the model for the church. We should never put humans like priests on pedestals. They are not God nor Jesus. I love visiting churches. Anywhere I go, I love going into churches. In Latin America there are so many beautiful churches. I love this church in Sebastian because of its beauty with this image, it is stunning. We need to remember we are all stunning, beautiful in God's eyes, He created us in His image, we are His, He is our Father! We were created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do! We need to ask God daily to lead us, guide us, instruct us, to do His will be done, obeying his commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and being a person of goodwill. It is nice to know we have such a loving Father looking out for us, and we are made in His image! 
