We are Royalty When We Do the Will of God!


Because we live in a world where position is determined economically, 
we forget that in God's world the royalty are those who do His will. 

~The Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen

I love the writings from Bishop Sheen. I was very young when he was on TV, but do recall some and know my parents watched him some. He is very wise and is known to be a great communicator. This quote from him is a wonderful reminder for all of us who get all wrapped up in this material world, thinking money brings us success or power. It has nothing to do with our economic status. We need to ask God daily to lead us, guide us, to instruct us, to bring us where we need to be each day doing and accepting His will be done in our lives always. That is what is important in life. We can have eternal life in Heaven with Him, we are children of God, royalty, princes and princesses of Him. We do not need to be slaves or slaves of the devil. God did not make us slaves. We have a royal lineage with God when we follow Him and accept His will be done in our lives while here on this Earth School world. We only need to be loyal to Him! That is all that matters! God delights in us! Wear your crown proudly doing His will while here! 
