Don't Do Anything to Please the Devil, Resist Slavery to Satan at All Costs! Stay Focused on Jesus, Our Example!

When a Christian shuns fellowship with other Christians, the devil smiles. When he stops studying the Bible, the devil laughs. When he stops praying, the devil shouts for joy. 

⏤ Corrie Ten Boom

We need to love God, pray, be disciples, and live and be people of goodwill in this life, on this Earth School. We need to be careful, as the devil is lurking, he wants to smile, laugh, and be in joy at dividing you and making you sin and become corrupted and to be his slave. Don't do it! Resist! So many today have become slaves of Satan. You can see it in their hate. There is too much hate today. Edgar Casey thought that hate is the real Anti-Christ, hate is the destruction of all, a society, country, and world. We as humans need to resist all hate and indifference. We see so much of it today, hate toward God, Jesus, religion, race, color, language,  sex, gender, background, intellectual level, etc. etc. There is just too much hate today. No hate is good for a society. None! Corrie Ten Boom knew this and wrote about it, she knew that the devil is lurking, we all need to be so very careful not to become his slaves to do wicked deeds on this Earth School. We see a lot from the elected, powers that be, the elitists, and the wealthy. They use money and power to enslave and dominate people, as if it is their right to determine the fate of humanity. Only God has this right, not humans. We must resist becoming slaves for Satan while on this Earth School. 

The Mornings with God App spoke of this today and said, "O God, our Father, we praise Your name; we extol You; we worship You! You are great, and greatly to be praised; Your greatness is unsearchable! One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts. We would speak of the glorious honor of Your majesty, and of Your wondrous works. We would make known Your mercy. You, Lord, are gracious, and full of compassion — slow to anger and of great mercy. You are good to all — Your tender mercies are over all Your works. All Your works shall praise You, and Your saints shall bless You. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion endures throughout all generations. You uphold Your children who fall, and raise up all those who are bowed down. The eyes of all wait upon You, and You give them their food in due season. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. You are near unto all who call upon You — to all that call upon You in truth. You will fulfill the desire of those who fear You; You also will hear their cry and will save them. You preserve all those who love You. We thank You that we may have such assured confidence in You. May we have grace to live before the world, so as to prove our sincerity. Help us to keep the vows we made on Sunday when we went to Your sanctuary. May our week-day life be as good as our Sunday promises. The spirit is willing — we desire to live worthily; but the flesh is weak. The things that we desire to do — we do not. Strengthen all good purposes in our hearts, and may we be enabled to live righteously in the world. We ask all, with the forgiveness of our sins, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."

Resist hate, don't become a slave to Satan, love everyone and be a person of goodwill while on this Earth School. Our ultimate goal is to spend eternity with Jesus in Heaven when we leave this school. Stay focused always in Him! 
