Making a Life by What I Give!

 We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

~Winston Churchill

I try very hard at everything. I try to be loving, kind, caring, giving, and use Jesus as my example to how we are supposed to live. God gave us a great example in Jesus. I saw this quote recently, I think I have heard it before as it is famous, but it really resonated with me. It is so true. So many work so hard to accumulate and get rich and have material things whether a Porsche, a big house by the water, diamonds, gold, silver, and lots of money in the bank. But they do not have God. They care more about material goods, than their education, or a college degree, or their faith in God. They are takers, taking and taking all they can, but never giving, not even giving thanks or showing manners by saying please or thank you. There are a lot of takers today, abusing the goodwilled giving people. Our world today is entitled, they think it is their right, it is just automatic, as if it is owed to them, without even working or responding back. All we can do is our best, to love, to give, and to be people of goodwill. We will always find and see takers, who cannot even say please or thank you. Bless them, but do not let them discourage you. Be like Christ the best you can, bless them and then move on. All we can do is be a light for others and give, whether they appreciate it or not, giving is what matters! I know I give of myself a lot in so many aspects, but I am not sure it is always appreciated, but all we can do is give! 
