Peace and Shalom: God's Wholeness is What We all Need as Humans on this Earth School to Be at Shalom and in Peace!


This morning when I was watching the Jewish Jesus show on TV, Rabbi Schneider was talking about shalom and peace and how Shalom is more complete. It is a complete wholeness one has without lacking or needing anything, not empty at all, full and complete. While Shalom is used as a salutation or greeting as you come or go, to mean peace, it really has a much deeper meaning than just peace. Like an inner peace and health and well being. Shalom is a Hebrew word. It also means a peace that only comes from God. A complete wholeness, lacking in nothing. Shalom really means "wholeness." True peace must have wholeness as its foundation. While peace is a wonderful concept, we all want peace in this world and no wars. We all want to get along and have peace in this world. On top of that, what we all really need is God's peace. His complete wholeness which we can only get from God. So if we are going to have God's peace, we all must have it from God and live together in harmony.  May God give us His true peace! This is what the world is really lacking today!

According to:

They say:

"The difference between “peace” and shalom
Rabbi Robert I. Kahn of Houston, Texas, capsulizes the distinctives of “Roman” peace and “Hebrew” shalom:
One can dictate a peace; shalom is a mutual agreement.
Peace is a temporary pact; shalom is a permanent agreement.
One can make a peace treaty; shalom is the condition of peace.
Peace can be negative, the absence of commotion. Shalom is positive, the presence of serenity.
Peace can be partial; shalom is whole.
Peace can be piecemeal; shalom is complete."
